Monday, April 25, 2016

Radha and Krishna

Q: What does the Krishna and Radha love story mean to us?

Guruji: There are different levels of meanings. The mundane meaning  is it’s a simple love story.
The next deeper meaning is the implied meaning where the  awareness is constantly in the Vishuddhi (throat), to Sahasrara (top of  head). The more you dwell, it implies the mind wavering between  stillness and thoughts.
Radha is a form of Krishna and also the power of Krishna as akarshana (attractive power).  It is the Radhini Shakti and is a part of Sri  Vidya upasana; it is also the love power of Krishna and attracts all the  Gopis.  It is not a mundane thing but spiritual.  There are 16 petals at the  Vishuddhi and 1000 petals at the Sahasrara.  Connecting each petal from  the Vishuddhi to Sahasrara makes a total of 16,000.  These are all in  your mind.  Thus comes about the concept of the 16,000 Gopis attracted  to Krishna. Krishna means darkness or absolute silence.  Gopi is the  thought.  Between one thought and the next thought there is silence.   Thought subsides and there is silence before the next thought; likewise  between silence and silence there is a thought.  So between Krishna and  Krishna there is a Gopi and Krishna between a Gopi and Gopi. It is a continuous process.  The silence is zero; therefore, it also continues inside and through emotion.  The power of silence is attractive; therefore, it attracts a Gopi or a thought. This is the spiritual aspect of the Krishna and Radha love story

The Krishna and Radha love story is a continuum of experience!  It is continuing every day and everywhere by everyone!

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