Monday, April 25, 2016

from Guru Pournami message 2006

Dear friend,

I am praying to divine Mother Sri Sri Sri Sahasrakshi Rajarajeswari Devi of Devipuram to guide you, be with you, in you, to fulfill your desires and concerns.

As you may know, Devipuram is a Global Resource for Goddess Worship, housing Devi in a grand Sri Chakra Meru, the biggest in the world you can actually walk into, and meet all Navavarana Devis alive. Their names are given in Khadgamala, but their forms are revealed for worship for the first time here. All people irrespective of caste or religion can enter the temple here.

The main ideas of Devipuram are

1. Your body is the real temple in which Mother Goddess lives as life,
2. Every part of your body made by the Goddess holds hidden powers that can be brought out through rituals and meditations involving effort and relaxation,
3. Thereby Goddess helps you to gain knowledge of, gather implements, and manifest the future of your dreams pretty much as you like, rewriting destiny if necessary.

If you make these ideas a part of your mindset, then the magic starts happening. The real Devipuram is your body, and Devi manifests from there.

Other supporting ideas are: the world is old, very old; and big, very big; it needed to be this old and this big to make the life creating substances; it has taken many millions of years to evolve life to the human condition; its goal is divinity, not the grave; life is precious; love sustains it; it is very costly to throw away the existing body to make a fresh one. We can't really afford to hate life, throw it away; exploit the living, and reap unbearable consequences. It is far better to love and live than to hate and die. It is so simple to give and get love. It is so easy to go hug and get hugged by every one. It is only our minds which say, "No, it is not done". I request you to consider and adopt if you like, the following three simple steps to make yourself a loving and caring Devi, speaking and acting through you.

Give small gifts, any gifts to five people every day.

1. It may be a smile, a hug, reading a story, singing a song, dancing, giving a flower, or sending a wave of love to some one you don't like .
2. Make a plan for tomorrow for 6 jobs, each of which takes about half an hour. The first job is always there, giving the gifts. Tick each item off the list after trying it sincerely. Post them for next day if left undone.
3. Breathe "in" 1 unit of time, "out" 1 unit evenly for 5 minutes, and then meditate. Simply watch the breath for 35 minutes as it goes in and out. Thoughts keep coming; cut them out as they keep coming.

*These simple steps are enough to connect you to Devi's immense power of loving manifestations.

Guru Pournami is the day when all devotees assemble physically or mentally at the Guru's place to pay homage to their Guru. Why? Because, like a mother the Guru has given the devotee a birth, a spiritual birth through five levels of empowerment in Panchadasi Mantra. He has put you on a path of self discovery, empowering the divine love and beauty in you. He thinks and works constantly for the welfare of all. You are all members of his family, Gurukulam.

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