Monday, November 7, 2016

Your effort is a Guru

I experienced many things: I saw 10-20 of my previous lives; expension  of time - during one night I lived whole life...various things like that. But it is much better for you to have your own experience. You need to have a Guru who can help you to cope with difficulties. Fortunately, in my case it happened that it was a Guru inside me, so I didn't need to go anywhere. And I wish to communicate with you in a way in which you can get connected to your inner Guru. That will be the most appropriate thing I can do for you: not to give you an Experience directly, but the means to get this experience is what is a subject of discussion. Ritual is one way, meditation is another way, yoga is another, tantra is another...there are so many ways and you have to choose the right Path. When the time is right, Guru comes to you. And Guru is inside of you - your own effort is your Guru. 
What I am trying to say is don't accept blindly what others say (including myself). Depend on yourself. Your experience is ultimate.

Make efforts to eliminate your bondage, God will come himself and remove them all. To get everything, Guru’s grace is necessary, followed by your untiring effort. How to gain a grace? Grace will be proportional to effort on Sadhana.


  1. Hello Vira its lovely to follow through your blog, so much of good stuff to imbibe/follow/reflect and live. wish i had your email to exchange ideas/rituals and seek clarifications to, ny email valley019@gmail,com

  2. Did did Tat wali Babaji have a previous life

  3. Did he ever talk about a past incarnation
