Monday, November 7, 2016

What is initiation and what does it involve? Where does that lead me?

Transfering power to imagine, nourish and manifest an environnment which supports your vision is initiation. It happens by making you understand of your true potential. There is no higher purpose than to know the sleeping powers you have and that you can re invent your destiny by tuning into the universal mind. The transmitter of such powers is the Guru, the receiver is the disciple.
Dissolve matter into spirit is the the theme song of Srividya. It starts explaining concepts of solidity and shape, the identity=ego we are taught to assume. It proceeds in 7 steps. 1. Solid 2. liquid 3. fire 4. air 5. space 6. time and 7. unknown.

The fist step, moving from solid to liquid meaning shape to shapelessness, is described as Ganapathi in the tradition of Srividya. The ritual makes a paste of impurities connected to idea of my body. With a mantra repitition, spoon after spoon of perfumed water is poured over a pyramid, a symbol of spirit encased in a body. Your actions dissolve the pyramid, and you experience flowing out of your body, an ecstasy. Along with the body, the individual consciousness dissolves into collective consciousness.
Let me explain. Let us suppose that we place four pyramids in a big plate, and four of us do this ritual together. Initially each pyramid (each of us) contains its own awareness. As the pyramids dissolve, the awarenesses leak out and in the end, they all become one.

What have we achieved? Four separate persons have become one single person. The idea of theis pesron contains all the ideas of all of us. So, you know thoughts of remaining three of us as your own thoughts. We dont have to tell them to you,
The first step in Srividya is giving the mantra of Ganapathi. Why? To enlarge your ideas of who you are. To let the people you know support your ideas. And you support theirs. If n people become one, the power each one has is n(n-1). If 10 persons become one, each of them get 90 time more power than they have now. The power increases exponentially. The happiness increases similarly. Ease of solving problems increase similarly. Problems which loomed large become trivial now. The key is to tune into collective consciousness, to be able to read the mind of Goddess Nature.
The ideas rising in collective are not exactly the same as the ideas in fragmentd minds. So there is no risk of wanting the wrong thing
If we want to transform a world having 5000 million people we need only square root of that number of people. What is it? Square root of 5000 is 70, and that of a million is a thousand. So 70,000 people can decide to change the world and own the power to do it. Together we can change the society. Individually I have very little influence.

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