Friday, April 8, 2016

New world order

Nearly 2000 years after the prince of peace and the apostle of love died, the goal for which He shed his blood is coming through. Going are the days when people used to believe that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Peoples of the world, especially children, have realized the following simple truth that like begets like. Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate. Anger begets anger. Passion begets passion. Exploitation begets exploitation. Strife begets strife. That violence is not necessary. Aggression is not necessary. Love begets love. Order begets order. Harmony begets harmony. Peace begets peace. Children have to be taught the art of loving relationships, which comes so naturally to them. There is no need for us to inculcate our outmoded patterns of behavior based on separateness, alienation and loneliness. Give them a chance to open up their hearts to the whole world. The world is full of richness and variety. Do not put them into the straitjackets of petty regionalism, nationalism, and such restrictive ideas.

The new religion is in fact the oldest religion there is. It is the religion of love. Unconditional, universal love, which begets unconditional, universal love. It is your nature to love everyone, every living being. The expressions of love differ. But love you must. You must love, you must receive love. Only when this two-way flow of love happens, you are nourished right from your roots. You are mistaken if you think that if you love someone deeply, you should not love or cannot love anyone else. It is your nature to love. It is your nature to receive love which lets you grow without limits. Love is that which lets your partner grow without limits. Love is that which frees. Love does not, should not, bind.

Amritananda, 1992 

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