Saturday, November 5, 2016


Guruji: Datta is energy of amnaya puja.
Anasuya is mother of Datta and she gave the power of Brahma to Datta.
Datta is seen in srichakra in the form of brahmi, who is 4 faced, but only 3 faces visible in front.
Bhuh bhuvaha and suvaha in the gayathri mantra are brahma, vishnu, rudra respectively and they are the amshas of Datta.
The 4 dogs that appear with Datta are the 4 vedas.
Datta is the guru for the 64 tantras, 64000 upa tantras and for upana tantras- Dakshinamurthy tantra, Datta tantra
Their is no difference between Dakshinamurthy and Dattatreya, only in puja vidhanam their is slight difference
The mukotam for Datta is 'om dram dram om' 'dram aham aham dram'
da means janani, ra means srishti, aa means stitih and m means layam

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