Friday, April 15, 2016

Wings of light

Wings of light to you!

With the wings, you light up brightly with all colours. You radiate charm, wisdom, healing, happiness, abundance, peace, music, dance and prayer. These are the nine kinds of lights adorning your body. Your mind is a cool lake of love, service and creativity. You cool passions with love, and serve all with pleasure. Your mere presence transports all around you into realms of delights undreamt of. You become an island of jewels, mani dveepa, the meaning of great Buddhist mantra "om mani padme hum", I am the coral in a lotus.

Lotus is the awareness of the world, and coral concentrates it to make it a supreme power of ecstasy.Sri Vidya explores this concept of love and service through an intimate ritual of the divine mother. Love cannot exist without intimacy with the divine because it has to move from distance to closeness to equality, and from equality to identity. Service, healing, music, dance and fine arts are the media to propagate love and service, the two wings of light.

Dance is yoga, music is meditation. In dance and music, positive attitudes of both body and mind participate in becoming one with the devi. We promote Sri Vidya through group rituals involving song and dance. Devipuram has been chosen by Devi as a starting point to move from darkness to light, from untruth to truth.

The path is through an enjoyable combination of loving and serving, dance and music. Remember again that loving fulfils you and serving puts power into that fulfilment. Evolution is quicker through participatory endeavour. It is not only quicker, but much needed in this modern age.

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