Friday, April 15, 2016

Attachment to physical form slows dowm

Mathas, temples, spiritual movements and social welfare organizations are only traps, which slow down the real jijnasu; the seeker who is able to go it alone. Go where you will, be with whom you will, but do not become bound anywhere or to anyone – and that includes this peetham or this matham or this Guru.

Attachment to any physical form slows us down. The real feet of the Guru, which you must not leave, are analysis and enlightenment. We never, ever try to coerce or tie down in any way the people who come to seek near us. It is because we really love you that we want to set you free.

When you are with me, I give you my undivided attention. And when you leave, it’s as if you never existed for me. So act in the living present. The past is gone, is gone, is gone. Do not think even for a moment about the past. That way you will overcome the feelings of guilt, shame, and unnecessary worry about them.

Do not worry about the future either. Do not cling to your possessions, including your own body. The unwise consider that their practices alone are correct, and that the practices of others are incorrect. The wise person knows that the habits, customs, lifestyles and food habits of all peoples in all places and at all times, of all traditions, all races and ethnic groups, are mine alone. (Thus such a person is both a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian, even though he or she chooses not to eat meat.)

The “new” religion is in fact the oldest religion there is. It is the religion of love. It is the unconditional and universal love, which begets unconditional and universal love. It is your nature to love everyone – every living being. The expressions of love differ, but love itself is one. You must love, and you must receive love. Only in the flow of love are you nourished from your very root. I nourish my love by expressing it, not by containing it. The more I give love, the more I receive it. It is my nature to give, to share my love, peace, and happiness with everyone. Not silently in my mind, but by and through actions. I nourish my negatives – such as fears, lust, anger, greed, possessiveness, pride, jealousy and hatred – by containing them, not by expressing them. I transform them into fearlessness, love, peace, sharing, non-attachment, humility, fun and regard by not lending my awareness or energy to them.

Such a person is a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and everything else, all rolled into one. Such a person is cognizant of the identity of all with Brahman. And therefore there is no attachment or repulsion towards any path.

Amritananda, 1991

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