Friday, April 15, 2016

Symbolysm of Nature

CELESTIAL LIGHTS SUN: Unchanging, constant, bright light of the sky, so it is representing transcendental God. It wakes up life forms from slumber. Sleep is little death; so, sun is life giver, the cosmic phallus, Rudra, the Male principle. It is the upward flow awareness, the river Pingala, the hot current, the right breath.

MOON: Periodic, monthly variations in intensity indicate woman.

NATURE: Changing appearance represents flow of time, but for which creation, preservation and destruction cannot proceed.Therefore, it is both the waxing and waning of desire, the varying moods of woman: sometimes erotic and creative, sometimes cool and nourishing, sometimes darkand destructive. It is the downward flow of awareness, the river Ida, the cool current, the left breath. Mother nature is both fierce and lovable. As manifesting power of time. She sacrifices the present to past in order to make possible a newfuture to come into existence. So She demands death as the price for creation; through continuous death, continuous life is sustained. Even in the drama of creation, a hundred million sperms die before one gets a chance to live; it is as if all the dead life forms are trying to get a chance to live once again. Life proceeds through such massive death. Love of life is alsolove of death; thus Eros is the same as fear of death, it is the same energy of manifestation through time.

FIRE: Fire/flame is the symbol of lust, the eagerness of the male and female organs to unite, the attraction of opposites,You and Me, This and 1, good and evil. It is through the union of opposites that transcendence can be achieved.Hence fire is supposed to be the center of sacrifice. The purpose of sacred sacrifice can be two -fold. One, to consume the seed to bring forth fruit, that is, to bring transcendence into the field of time; Two, to preserve the seed to freeze time itself, and achieve transcendence.

The first is the external heat of sacred sacrifice, of sex, of Bhoga,of enjoyment. The second is the Internal heat of transforming the sex urge itself into transcendence,immortality. In either case, fire is the medium forconnecting the Transcendent to the Nature, the Male to Female. Fire is the middle flow of awareness, the river (nadi) of Sushumna, the warm current, the middle breath of Yoga. There is no essential difference between Bhoga (enjoyment)and Yoga; Bhoga is Yoga. There is no essential difference between transcendent immortality and Immanent mortality.Mortality is also immortality in a syncretic view of time, where past, present and future can be viewed as here, here and there, where time has lost the property of flow, and is like space. Death loses Its’ sting when it can no more destroy, Death cannot destroy when there is no flow of time;nor can birth take place when there is no flow of time. The world is a four dimensional…..

Is no good, bad or evil: no sinner, no saint. It simply exists, it knows, it is bliss. Yet, this Sat Chit Ananda subsumes in it all possible flows of time, all possible life forms, all forms of good, bad and evil. It is the womb of the world: it is also itscreator, the cosmic phallus, and it is their union which brings time into being, space into being. Space is the womb in which time is the phallus moves manifesting manifold forms of illusory world. The illusion is real as long as it lasts though. Once we wake up from our waking state (in which we perceive this illusory world projected in a subfield ofconsciousness to be real) the whole world is seen to be what it is, really, a dream of no consequence, just a divine play.The energy of GOD is contained in TIME, the manifestor of changing forms. Energy is canonically conjugate to Time. Divine Energy is Kali, the fierce Goddess of Death and destruction, and also Sundari, the beautiful one, the aesthetic perfection of the Muses of DESIRE, KNOWLEDGE, & ACTION. How can we freeze time? By being light. This is what Einstein taught us. If we are heavy, time overtakes us,we are subject to the ravages of time, and we will be destroyed. The secret of immortality, the pot of nectar for which Gods and Demons fight, lies in freezing time, and this can be achieved through overcoming body consciousness and merging our consciousness into the universal consciousness without any address, that is, name and form.The universe of name and form that we perceive is one pole,called jiva, the individual: the unified field of awareness is the other pole, called GOD. The symbol of fire connects these two poles and makes them one. What is offered into the sacred fire is thus preserved. If the fire is external, it brings the desired fruit to the sacrificer in the field of time. If the fire is internal, and sacrifices are made into the internal fire, it gives the fruit of immortality and transcendence.

Amrita. 1992

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