Wednesday, April 20, 2016

USCP: Vagdevata nyasa; The Ajna chakra; The Pancadasi Nyasa

Vagdevata Nyasa

Next comes the Vagdevata Nyasa, the eight forms of Saraswati. They are called Vasini, Kamesvari, Modini, Vimala, Aruna, Jayini, Sarvesvari, and Kaulini. This is the Visshudhi chakra with the sixteenpetal lotus in the neck. The sixteenpetal lotus (the second chakra of Sri Chakraw) was associated with time earlier. But now in Visuddhi, association is with space communications.

The Ajna chakra

Aim Hrim Sri m...hsr-aim hsr-klim hsr-sauh. Here we are having " ha, sa, and ra" coupled with aim klim and sauh. Here when you say that Siva and Shakti are united and the passion is united and maintained, then that manifests itself as the creating power, the nourishing power and the reabsorbing power . This manifests as the flow of time. The agni, the tip of the fire starts at the muladhara chakra and goes to the third eye. There it manifests itself as past, present and future, as the movement of time. Hsr-aim is placed in the right eye, hsr-klim in the left, and hsr-sauh in the middle third eye.

Sahasrara, the crown center, In the Sahasrara, the crown center, all the chakras are collapsed to the single central point, the central point of the Sri Chakra. In it are feet, thighs, then on to the Muladhara, Swadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visshudhi, Ajna, Sahasrara a total of nine chakras.

Your identity with the Sri Chakra is now complete. You have shed your ignorance that you are your body. Your body is a temple where God lives. Clean the temple and worship the God within. Cleaning, decorating and serving the body is called pooja=worship. The worship is through the Mantras. Mantras are related to the causal form; the cleaning is related to the five senses called pancamritas, the five nectars associated with the five elements.

The Pancadasi Nyasa

Ka E I La Hrim             Ha Sa Ka La Hrim             Sa Ka La Hrim

There are many hundreds of ways in which you can do nyasas. There are whole chapters devoted to these various kinds of nyasas. Parasurama, an Avatar of Vishnu has clearly stated that these eight or nine nyasas that have been given in this puja are enough. The others are fine and good if you do, but if you don't it does not matter. Some people look at various books and say, "Ah, it's nice here", and pick up this thing and put it into their pujas. They keep on adding, making the procedure intractable and unmanagable. Some people think more complicated the puja, the better it is. The real skill and cleverness lies in simplifying your puja and retaining its essentials and not overdoing it and not underdoing it.

The nyasa of the Pancadasi can be done in many many ways. We will describe a few important ones now. Latter on we give the most important way called the Mula mantra nyasa.

The form which is most universally followed is as the Mother who gives birth to you in the Swaddishthana and Muladhara chakras. There is a famous statement which translated says, "You can think of Devi as male. You can think of Devi as female. Or you can think of her as the flow which comes out of the union between male and female, the bindu. So when you think of Lalita Devi as the female, you think of her as the yoni (the birth channel), the source of creation.

Traverse one side of the yoni by saying Ka E I La Hrim. Then traverse the middle line from bottom up, saying Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hrim, and then traverse the other side of the yoni saying Sa Ka La Hrim. The yoni is always in front of your mind's eye and you are worshipping that all the time. This gives creative manifestations of all sorts. And it is this worship which is described in the 44 meditations in the beginning. It is a poetic description of how the yoni looks to you.

The other modes of nyasa which give totally different fruits are as follows. You can worship the Devi in the heart center by concentrating on the right nipple (Ka..) and then the middle of the heart(Ha..) and then the left nipple(Sa..). This gives you Jnana=knowledge about nourishing your ideas, musical and dance. You can worship Devi in the lips(Ka...) and the two eyes (Ha...Sa...) or you can worship the Devi with the Pancadasi at the ajna center; the right eye,(Ka...) left eye (Ha...)and the third eye(Sa...). This gives you command over all you see or imagine

You can worship the Devi with the two ears and the third eye as the third point. Or you can worship the Devi with the two eyes and the back of your head as the point of the triangle. If you are looking straight up out of your body and you are looking down over your head it is then you will find that there is a hexagon being formed by the back of your head and the 2 eyes forming one kind of triangle, and the third eye and the two ears forming the other triangle. This is the Swadhisthana chakra located in the Sahasrara and as you are looking down from above your head. All such meditations activate different kinds of powers such as clairvoyance, clairaudience etc.

Each of these chakras that are in your body are all mapped in the Sahasrara as well. You must realize that it is like electrical circuitry. The switch is at one place, the light is at another place. The switches are located at the chakras, but the light is all in the brain. So wherever you apply the switch when you touch that part of the body, there is a certain part of the brain that is energized and brings you a a certain type of illumination. You cannot operate the light without turning on the switch. Your consciousness has to move to the switch in order to enlighten that particular part of the brain. That is why the arousal of the kundalini has to take place through various exercises in the mind. And these exercises are called nyasas. As I said there are various types of nyasas. These basic set of nyasas found in the puja are enough if you do them with the proper awareness and concentration.

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly very much simplified to understand which requires devine knowledge to express it which is Devi's devinity which instigated the mind
