Saturday, November 5, 2016

Why Guruji could see deities that we cannot see?

Aiya: My own guru was a scientist; he was a nuclear physicist before he retired. When he explains spiritual concepts, he always explains in terms of physics, in a way that people can understand. So, he would say have to have a basic understanding of a solar spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum of energy is huge; the bandwidth is very big. Out of that, the human perception is a tiny sliver; that is the extent to which we can see and experience it. On one side is 3,500 angstrom units, on the other side is 6,000 angstrom units.  This is what Guruji explains to people who ask him why he can see deities and they can’t. Through constant practice and focus and meditation, you can increase the bandwidth of your perception of that field. The deities vibrate in a different frequency; not in ours.

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