Saturday, November 5, 2016

Guru Paduka

Guruji: You will obtain everything only thru the guru paduka mantra.  Without guru paduka it is like groping in the dark. It offers you light and direction to succeed on the path of spirtuality.
 Out of all mantras, Guru padukam is most important. You can let go all the rest, besides that one.
Paduka means the sandals that the Guru wears. If you can wear sandals, the sandals know where to go. The guru may be there or may not be there, but the guru paduka mantra takes you because you wear them, they know where to take you, how to take you, they are used to going with him (Guru).
Guru paduka mantra always stays with you, other mantras can come and go but this always stay with you. You dissolve into that, you become that, I become Shiva. It’s supposed to take you all the way up from root chakra to brain and keep you there.  Don't get worried, to get all mantras. Just chant the guru padukam, it itself contains mantras of many deities and fills the world

You want me always be present with you?  Then you have to chant the Gurupaduka mantra all the time.
Disciple of Guruji, "When Guruji was initiating me I asked Guruji, "I live 1000km away, I cannot come regularly, and learn from you, I may come once in a year, how I can learn from you?" Then he said "I will give you the guru paduka, that will guide you, do every day xxxx times, you will be guided"