Sunday, November 1, 2015

The journey of the soul: p6 - overcoming negativity; possibility of free will in predetermined law of karma

Guruji: When I was sleeping alone in an attached hunt and there were movements and I knew that the snake was there and there's no power, dark night. I could not run away, I could not go anywhere, because if I move I may step on the thing. So I was frozen, frozen in that state. It was there through the night. But after some time we got used to each other, we started loving each other and the fear went away. Then I became Śiva. So having been with it, having nourished your negativity for some time, when your attention, total awareness, that you are able to give it, moves away, you give it up. I then turned that around. I turned that into a positive affirmation. How you do that is the following. Imagine that one of the results that I would like to have in that situation is to be the cobra, so that I would be in a position to strike. Or if I was faced with the tiger, I would like to have been the tiger. Or in a war situation between Arabs and Americans, I would like to be an American, rather than the Arab. So I would like to be in the winning situation. I can visualize that, right? I can visualize that or imagine that the cobra has gone away. And I can visualize that the lights have come on and it is not there. This situation I can visualize. What I have to do is to convert that negativity into positivity. You don't have to imagine this state through which you transform from that to this. All you have to do is to make a visualization about the final result that you want to achieve, and assume that you have already achieved it. And having done that, you imagine that you put it in a pink bubble, which represents your heart.

Heart is a pink bubble, and we chose a heart because it's love. Enclose that in that. Put it in your hands and blow it away. It goes to the Cosmos. So give this model of what you want to manifest or what you want to finally arrive at, as a model for the higher intelligence, saying that either this or something better than this should come into being for the benefit of everyone concerned. And it may take some time for this to materialize, but surely it will. What prevents such a visualization from materializing or manifesting? Your own doubt about it. Again, I apply the same procedure to the doubt. Be with the doubt, love it, transform it into a positive statement, but I'm not going to have any doubts regarding this. That will also materialize. You are your own worst enemy, because whenever you have something positive, you're simultaneously thinking something negative. And this is what I said - every one of our dreams becomes true, provided we don't have a contrary dream, which prevents this dream from coming true, because that dream also comes true. That works against this. 

So if you are having negative thoughts, the best way is to deal with them, be with them, transform them, convert them into a positive assertions and leave to the Divine Mother to manifest in its own time. You can work like this with anything. It all depends upon how you are able to visualize howto deal with that: if you have fear, anxiety, insecurity, job, you want money, you want comforts, you want happiness. Pyār cāhiye ke paisā cāhiye, whether you want love or money. And I think I want both. And why not? Pyār cāhiye aur paisā cāhiye Whether paisā that I really have is really apyār of the people. The love that people have for me is material wealth. And you know how this has happened and how this has worked out, so I don't have to expand on that.

Question: Will you explain the concept of karma, the rebirth and how it relates to the evolution of the soul?

Guruji: It's a deep question, I can't dispense of it very lightly. Because the understanding of the concept of the karma itself is involved there. As far as my understanding goes, karma really implies causality; that if you do this  then this result will follow. This is the cause and this is the effect. The assumption being that everything that is there now, some prior cause must have been there. So without the cause, this effect will not be there. So the succession between cause and effect is the causality, the law of causality, how a reaction will proceed. In other words, a well-orderliness in time is the causality or theory of karma.

I have sequence of events A, B, C, D. A occurring earlier than B, B occurring earlier than C and C occurring earlier than D. And always when I find B, I see A occurring earlier than B, so I say “Aha!” A is the cause of B, and B is a cause of C, and C is the cause of D. This is as far as our normal understanding of that interior karma is concerned. In that sense, the theory of karma seems to be unavoidable. So if you say that everything is already pre-structured, predetermined, how is there any possibility of any free will, how is there any possibility of one's own effort to contribute to an evolution of a spiritual nature or a material nature? This is your question, how does it relate to the spiritual evolution? Evolution means the grow thin time of certain series of possibilities. We will approach the question through an example. We know that time is moving relentlessly from the past to the present and the present to the future. So everything is simply following the karma theory and how we can overcome this situation? 

Let’s suppose that I have a piece of cardboard and I cut a vertical slot in that. Behind that cardboard there's a dog and the dog is walking forwards and then changing direction and walking backwards. And I keep observing the dog through the slot. And what is it that I observe as a scientist? When the dog is walking, it always walks forward. So I see its nose as a first thing that's coming in through a little slot, then I see its eyes, then its ears, then its front legs, and then the trunk, and then its back legs, and then the tail. And every time I see, the same sequence of events is happening. So I say “Aha!”, the nose is the cause of the eyes, eyes are the cause of the ears, the ears are the cause of the front legs, the front legs are the cause of the trunk, the trunk is the cause the back legs, and the back legs are the cause of the tail. But now comes Swami Silly-Goose-Ananda and he gives a bottle of whiskey to the dog. And what does the drunken dog do? He starts walking backwards now. 

Then what happens? First the tail appears, and the legs; and the whole logic that we have built about this Universe of the dog or God, whatever, it has become topsy-turvy. Your causality somehow instead of A being the cause of B, B has become the cause of A. See, this whole thing gone upset. So first observation that we make from this example is, that when the time-flow is reversed or a possibility of reversal time flow is there, there is a possibility of converting cause and effect into each other. So having established this fact, now let us take one step further and ask how can I create an alternate possibility for me from this point onwards? I will give you a procedure to try. It may be a little difficult but you can try all the same. What you have to do is, you have to go back to a time when your father was not yet born to your grandfather. Then take a gun and shoot your grandfather before your father was born to him and then come back to the present moment. And then ask the question, do you or do you not exist? You definitely and surely exist, because you went back in time, you shot your grandfather and came back to your present. You’re not dead. Now, we go back in time and I shot my grandfather and my father was not born. 

If I shot my grandfather, my father would could not have been born to my grandfather. And if he was not born, how could I be born to my father? So I cannot exist. You see, the situation here? So your ability to go back and in time and come forward has created the alternative possibility of your non-existence, going as a parallel event from your present state of existing. So your world lines start from this point onwards as two separate lines and go on together and one line says - you mare existing and other one says - you are not existing. You have created an alternative possibility. In other words if causality is an expression of succession in time, then a non-causality or a possibility of a freedom of choice for an individual to have an alternate growth pattern is an expression of the fact that time-space is a continuum in which motions back and forth are possible. Once you're able to do that, then how can you cross the barriers of time? That is your next question you must ask. You haven't asked, so I’m not going to answer.

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