Saturday, October 31, 2015

Our Will or God's Will? - a Conversation with Guruji

Question: Can you talk a little bit about “my will” and “thy will”. If we're co-creators or we help create our reality but there's also some other surrendering to the higher force as if destiny is already at play?

Guruji: It's easy to go with the current and it's hard to go against the current. If you are going in the directions that the current is taking you’ll reach faster. It means you arrange your ideas and intentions, the intentions of the environment… So you tune first into the current. What does the current want to do? If you are going with that, then it's no more your individual will, it is the will of the current. And so - “thy will be done.”

How do you tune into the current? [It’s] not what I want to do, but what the general set of things around me want to do. Try to get out of myself, right? and listen more than talk. If I’m talking, I am talking about my will, if I'm listening to what others are saying and trying to understand them, then you are better off.

But people talk in different languages hard to find the make common current, but usually, it is… there are some strong currents like based on language – I want my people speaking my language to prosper, I want my family to prosper. And there's a pretty strong connection there. The language connects people and divides people also. Cultures connect people and divide people. Tribes connect people and divide people. Everything has got a dual thing. So to find the stronger currents you have to go to the deeper layers of human consciousness, which is going beyond… and there I find that usually the ability to understand more and suit my goals to a new understanding and going forward with that seems to be the goal of everyone. We call it empowerment. Everyone wants to be happy, everyone wants to be friendly, everyone wants love, these are the currents that are common to whatever language you speak, whatever nationality you belong to. You want more of peace and less of violence. The hippies were right I think – make love, not war.

Devipuram, February 2014 

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