Tuesday, April 19, 2016

USCP: A Brief Glimpse at the Sri Kramam

First you worship the Guru, then you make your bath a ritual by invoking the Goddess into you and worshipping Her in your body. When you are taking a bath, you are indeed giving a bath to Her, without any sense of shame. The sense of shame comes from the notion of the other. Fear and shame go away when you realise that whom you are worshipping is your own self. You can recite the Sri Suktam and all the suktams that you know when you are taking bath because you are indeed the Goddess.

Next you worship the fortyfour triangles of the Sri Chakra . Think of the central part of Sri Chakra as a beautiful palace of jewels and the most beautiful things in the world, where Siva and Shakti are making love among celestial dancers, and nymphs, in a very erotic place filled with beauty and harmony and grace and loving couples. You realize that you are in a very limited state of being and you try to overcome this state by resetting yourself to the state of being the Goddess.

How do you do that? By thinking like this:
"OK, I am sixty years old now. So what? Age is just a concept. I am also a 16year old girl bubbling with joy and happiness and not crippled by my age, or pulled down by my worries.
" I am free and I want to look at every moment as an opportunity to grow in whatever way I can and to help others in whatever way I can.
"I will share my beauty, share my joy, and my bubbling enthusiasm and power with others. This is what I am, this is what I will do." So saying, I reset myself to this state by getting rid of this old, useless, stupid, worrisome, kind of existence that I am going through and I say,
"Let me burn this body and get rid of all the muck that I have acquired through social conditioning and programming. I will reconstitute my body to be forever 16, beautiful, powerful".

This aspect of the puja is called the Viraja Homam. Then you imagine that you have just become a body of light. And you merge with the cosmos and become a ball of light. This ball of light condenses and turns into the most beautiful, most harmonious, most loving, most wonderful, most powerful, most enriching kind of a being there is. You are a 16 year old girl, Ananda Bhairavi. She is enjoying herself nonstop with her consort Ananda Bhairava, playfully acting all the moods , and out of their enjoyment is coming this world full of beauty, of harmony of loving, of caring, of compassion. It is not the world demarcated as Germany, Austria, Denmark, North America, South America, Canada, Brazil, India, Pakistan, China. When you fly, you go to the sky, you go to the satellites, do you see any boundaries there? None. It is we that created our boundaries. If the world was governed by women who care for their children then they would come forward and say, let's get rid of all these boundaries and make one world. Its too small, its just one village and we can't afford to destroy it. We won't destroy pur children, we will teach them to be loving and caring.

Thus you go through the process of creating an immortal body for yourself. It is going to continue to exist after your mortal coil has been shed. And it will continue to do good because you are going to evolve through the fourteen different worlds. This you do with the power of your imagination, the power of your creativity, your visualization acuteness, the clarity with which you can perceive things with these things you create an image . This image goes and does whatever good it does. It is just like a child born out of you which continues its existence independent of you. You can try to control it, You can try to make a friend of it. You can create eight simultaneous existences which can work independently. Why eight? Because the properties of God are eightfold. They are spatially different. Actually, time wise you can have sixteen different forms.

After you do theViraja homam, you do Vajra Panjara Nyasam. It means that you are creating for yourself an indestructible cage. This cage has the power of the Sri Chakra. As long as the Sri Chakra lives, as long as cosmos lives, so long you are going to live in this cage. Once the world itself is desolved, then you desolve. You are just merging with Siva. That is the format you are trying to create for yourself.

Invocation of the Kalas

Into this format you want to invoke all the cosmic intelligence that there is. The intelligence that is there in the earth, in the fire, in the water, in the oxygen that we breathe, in the space that we see and walk around in, in the time that brings the past present and future into us, and immortal existence. All these kalas, aspects you try to invoke into yourself.

Sri Sudha Devi

Now in this puja you sometimes need a symbol. The symbol can be an icon, a figure like the Sri Chakra, or a physical, living presence, a person. If you say that God is everywhere and you want to worship everything, it is not easy. It is difficult to find God in a cockroach, or in an atomic explosion, or in AK 47 guns, or in poverty. It is difficult to find God in the agonies that we go through. It is easier to find God in harmony. You would like to experience God as benevolent, not as a vengeful, judgmental kind of a being, who will punish you to hell for an infinite amount of time, . You want to think of God as a nourishing Mother, as one who cares for you, who loves you unconditionally, so beautiful, so loving, so nourishing.

"I want to drink the milk of knowledge and power. I want to enjoy life to the fullest. I want to be prosperous and make tons of money so I can share some of it with others who are less fortunate. I want to help people to realize that they are really Gods and angels in human form."

This is the kind of thought process that the ritual encourages. It helps you to think of God as enjoyable, healthy, rich, harmonious, beautiful, loving, nourishing, caring person like you. These are the very same qualities that we are trying to invoke into ourselves and others.

The Samanya Arghya and Vishesha Arghya

Next you think of God as the immortal drink that gives you happiness, prosperity, and all positive qualities that you can think of. This section explains the preparation of that nectar which contains all the cosmic elements that deliver them to you.

The Guru Mandala

Then you think of God as the line of the Gurus, the gurus who spent their lives serving others. This is the Guru Mandala.

The Nitya Devatas

In this section you think of God personified as benevolent Time, reminding you of the good times that you have experienced. So you worship God as so many Nityas, the dates on which I was happy. All these sections are touched briefly here. They will be described in enough detail later on.

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